Fwd: <VV> 66 am / fm radio question (multiplex)

HallGrenn at aol.com HallGrenn@aol.com
Wed Feb 9 17:13:47 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/9/2005 2:24:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
jsconiers@mac.com writes:

> virtualvairs@corvair.org

To add to Seth's info, There was also a rear (single) speaker option.  The 
fader was behind the tuning knob.  On my '65 Corsa it sits under a raised metal 
grill that was attached to the center of the cardboard shelf.  The speaker 
shelf had cardboard spacers to raise it above the regular shelf for the speaker 
basket.  It was held in place with the same type of screws that were used to 
install the regular shelf.  (The '65 Corsa was built in CA).  On my '68 Monza 
(which I bought new in Germany--but it was built in Willow Run NOT in Europe) I 
had a single rear REVERB speaker that was located under the same flat metal 
grills as used on other GM products, but unlike the '65 it was located on the 
passenger side of the shelf.  The '68 GM manuals show the stereo rear speakers 
mounted on the extra shelf the same way, but with two speakers instead of the 
single one.

Bob Hall
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To: Sethracer@aol.com
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Subject: Re: <VV> 66 am / fm radio question (multiplex)
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Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 01:21:56 -0600
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Thanks for the help.  One last question.  Was the multiplex available in 
the 66 vert?  Anyone got a picture of the multiplex (origional or not)?


Sethracer@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 2/8/2005 9:29:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> jsconiers@mac.com writes:
>     Quick question.  If you had a 66 that came with an AM / FM radio was
>     there more than one speaker installed (multiplex) and if so where
>     was it
>     installed?
> As long as you mean a 1966 Corvair, there were at least three options, 
> although only two from the factory. You could get an AM-FM Mono radio 
> with only a front speaker. You could also get a Mono version with a 
> rear speaker - at least in a coupe or sedan. I've never seen a factory 
> rear MONO speaker in a Vair. The dealer option was to install four 
> speakers and a multiplex adapter under the dash. It fed the fronts and 
> with the L-R feed reversed, the rears. The fronts were installed 
> (hideously, in my opinion) in the doors. The rears - in the coupe 
> or sedan were installed on a special added package shelf behind the 
> rear seat.  The 66 multiplex adapter had a tone control, a L-R balance 
> and a F-R fader. The system took the FM signal into the adapter, split 
> the multiplex to the left/right components and sent a channel back to 
> the radio for one side and supplied the second power amp in the 
> adapter for the other. If the Multiplex adapter was not installed, a 
> special plug was inserted in the radio to keep the signals (in mono) 
> inside the radio. In 1967 they added an 8-track player option with 
> even a third component to fit in! - Seth Emerson
> Seth Emerson
> Sethracer@aol.com
> C's the day! Corvair, Camaro, Corvette
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