<VV> communique ad question

SPYDER62 at aol.com SPYDER62@aol.com
Mon Feb 7 03:10:54 EST 2005

In a message dated 2/6/2005 7:05:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
robedinpurple@yahoo.com writes:

> OK, while we are discussing our newsletter, I have a
> question.  Every month there are a bunch of
> classifieds that seem to be nonsense.  What's the
> deal?  All from AZ.  Another "insider" thing a
> relative newbie can't figure out without asking.
That's Charlie Dye in Az. His adds have been the same for the 22+ years I've 
been a member and he pays for them. Good  Ultra parts for cheap. He does 
something right because his add do get read.GGG
Corsa #sheprio

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