James Davis jld@wk.net
Sun Feb 6 20:27:31 EST 2005

Knowing Walt it would be on the right so as to balance out his weight.  He 
is obsessed (there are better words) with keeping the weight on all four 
corners the same, as well as as light as possible.
Jim Davis

At 02:08 PM 2/6/2005, Louis C. Armer, Jr. wrote:
>Only on the left side!!! <GGG>
>At 03:03 PM 2/6/05 -0500, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 2/6/05 11:58:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, jld@wk.net
>> > Ultra Vanners are about 50%-50% split on lower shrouds.
>>So...does Walt D.  run them or not??  ggg
>>Matt Nall
>Corvair Atlanta,

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