<VV> CORSA Membership
Western Canada CORSA
Thu Feb 3 21:55:40 EST 2005
FACT: CORSA lost 300 Members last year
SUPPOSITION: One of the main causes is dissatisfaction with the Communique
ASSERTIION: The Communique needs to be changed to attract AND KEEP new members
If the above can proven to be TRUE then
FACT: The status-quo will continue to result in a loss of members.
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org]On Behalf Of Ron
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 1:29 PM
To: Western Canada CORSA; fastvair@yahoogroups.com;
Cc: corvairs@cybrus.net
Subject: Re: <VV> CORSA Membership
Great scott, don't let any high schoolers get hold of it, we have a very
respectable publication now with intelligent content. Modern blurred images
with loud rock music in the background won't do a thing for 98% of us. I
believe that the present publication is the best that can be done within the
present budget constraints. Of course, some generous donations would be
appreciated, I'm sure. The Communique has it's zing in terms of it's
content and is trying to satisfy many different needs and desires within a
very limited number of pages. I'll bet that doubling the dues to enable a
fancier publication would turn off a lot more members than you say the
Communique does.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Western Canada CORSA" <westerncanadacorsa@shaw.ca>
To: <fastvair@yahoogroups.com>; <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Cc: <corvairs@cybrus.net>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 12:47 PM
Subject: <VV> CORSA Membership
> Sure Bob,
> I'm going to be really, really blunt, with the hopes that it'll spark some
> debate.
> I know there are issues with the content, so I'll address them further on.
> The appearance of the Communique is quite simply, dated. I mean really,
> really, dated. The same 'ol graphic and square picture on a solid colour
> background. High school yearbooks have better layouts. So, IMO, we've
> got a mag that has zero zing in terms of eye appeal. This is a quickly
> fixable item, because of the cheap and powerful software out there.
> As for the content.....
> It is my opinion that too much space is wasted on event reports. They are
> all the same: "it was sunny, there were Corvairs, we all had a great time,
> blah, blah, blah." I don't give a rat's ass about how much fun so and so
> had in some place I've never heard of, ESPECIALLY when they are all
> essentially the same, you just stop reading them. I understand the need
> to acknowledge what's going on at the chapter level, but I think these
> should be severely limited in the space they're allowed, to free up space
> for more interesting items.
> The usual argument for the content in the Communique is that they can only
> print what is submitted. But as far as I know, there is no one actively
> searching for content. When I wrote the WCC Newsletter, I kept my ear to
> the ground for guys working on projects that other members would find
> interesting. I'd pursue them to write an article for the newsletter. 9
> times out of 10 they'd say "sure"! But if I had waited for the content to
> come to me, it never would have happened. The Communique needs the same
> thing. Somebody that monitors the email lists looking for guys working on
> potentially interesting cars and projects. What about the convention for
> finding article worthy 'vairs?
> Mike Weirmier's "Westbrier" is a perfect example. He has taken a clapped
> out, covered in house paint, x-bell telephone van, and converted it into a
> '02 dark metallic mustang green, westfalia pop-top camper. The guys on
> the FC list are getting dribs and drabs of his progress, but I can
> guarentee you Mike hasn't given the idea of submitting an article to the
> Communique a thought. I'll betcha if somebody from CORSA called/emailed
> Mike asking him to write one, he'd say "yes".
> Further, I think an effort should be made to find some accomplished
> photographers from within' CORSA's ranks. Here's my senario.
> Article Idea Finder Person (AIFP) from CORSA contacts Mike to ask him to
> do a story on the "Westbrier", he says "yes". Next the AIFP consults a
> list of volunteer photographers to see if there is anyone located nearby
> that can arrainge for a session with Mike to get some good quality shots
> APPROPRIATE. Further, if Mike says "Yes" to the article, but "No" to
> writing it (some people just aren't confident with their writing skills)
> then AIFP can contact the local chapter Pres. to see if he knows someone
> with a flair for words in that chapter.
> AIFP would only have to come up with 11 such articles per year AT MOST,
> and it would really give the Communique a whole new readaability.
> Also realted to this. I think the Membership Committee, (and the soon to
> be created AIFP), and other chairs that require enthusiasm, but not
> necessarily knowledge (ie. the Historian and Technical chairs) should be
> held by BoD members.
> If CORSA wants me to go out and contact all 50 people I signed up to find
> out what % are still members, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY exactly why those that
> didn't stay on chose to leave, I'll do it. But I'm telling you right now
> that almost all are going to say the didn't like/find value/etc, etc in
> the Communique. I may not have all the answers, any answers, or even the
> right answers, but I am very confident in saying that if you want to
> attract and keep new members to CORSA you have to start with the
> Communique because it is one of the keys to the success or failure of the
> organization.
> Just my 0.02
> Regards,
> Joel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bobhelt@aol.com [mailto:bobhelt@aol.com]
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 12:05 PM
> To: fastvair@yahoogroups.com; westerncanadacorsa@shaw.ca;
> virtualvairs@corvair.org
> Subject: Re: [fastvair] Corsa Membership
> In a message dated 2/3/05 12:31:41 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> westerncanadacorsa@shaw.ca writes:
>> But until the Communique is changed, in both appearance and content, you
>> can bring all the new members to CORSA that you want, but if they don't
>> like
>> what they find, and to 90% of people that IS the Communique, then they're
>> just
>> not going to continue being members.
> Joel, Please explain and give us some details.
> Thanks,
> Bob Helt
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dfgiannotti@webtv.net [mailto:dfgiannotti@webtv.net]
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 6:43 AM
> To: fastvair@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [fastvair] Corsa Membership
> By now most of you have read Sarah Jones " President's Message "..Her
> concern is the rapidly declining membership, approx. 300 lost last
> year..
> This is a concern, what can be done??
> I would like to poll this group, then send
> our suggestions on to the BOD..
> I will start if off...
> 1. Hire or recruit a Publicity
> Chairman..
> Someone to promote Conventions,
> Track Events, Shows, etc. outside
> of Corsa.. Advertise Events in
> magazines, radio, newspapers, etc. Let the
> general public know we exist, basically we only
> promote the Corvair Events within
> our ranks..Set a budget for outside
> advertising...
> 2. Schedule printouts of Corsa Events
> inserted in the MAY Issue
> for copy usuage..These could also include
> membership forms.....
> Flyers can be handed out at
> Cruise-in's, Shows, etc.
> We are not getting the word out to the general
> public that we exist..
> Thats my .02 cents, whats yours??
> Dan
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