Yes, Virginia, there was one Re: <VV> 3-speed Corsa

FrankCB at FrankCB at
Fri Dec 30 16:04:11 EST 2005

    Yes, I can definitely say I have seen and sat in a Corsa convertible with 
the 140 engine that had the 3 speed manual transmission.  This was decades 
ago, so I don't remember if it was a 1965 or a 1966, but it was a Corsa in 
beautiful condition.  I tried to buy it (even with the 3 speed), but the owner 
couldn't make up his mind to sell it.  I left my name and number, but, of course, 
I never heard from him again.  The STANDARD equipment transmission, even for 
the Corsa, was the 3 speed, although the vast majority of buyers OPTIONED for 
the 4 speed.
    There's no accounting for how people order cars.  Our "Joe Cool" 1966 95 
hp PG Corvair came from the factory with air conditioning, but with NO radio.  
It was a lot easier for the second owner to install a radio than an A/C unit!
    Frank "de gustibus non est disputandum" Burkhard  

In a message dated 12/30/05 2:01:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, NicolCS at 
Does anyone on the list have, know of, or ever seen a factory 3-sp '65 Corsa? 
Anyone have a '65 Corsa 3-sp shifter?  If so, I'd sure like to hear from you!
Craig (shifter project) Nicol

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