<VV> Corsa VS Monza VS 500 air grill
Kent Sullivan
kentsu at corvairkid.com
Wed Dec 21 12:52:27 EST 2005
By the way, I should point out that one does have to be careful when using
the assembly manual. That's because they are like railroad timetables--any
page could be updated at any time during the production year, and the
procedure was to REPLACE the existing page. And, the manuals we are able to
buy today are copies of the assembly manuals as they existed at the END of
each production year.
This all means that running changes can be pretty hard to document some
times. I've found the change log on each page to help often but sometimes
the notations are garbly-gook and really not helpful.
Here's an example: The 1962 FC assembly manual shows the second design
clutch linkage. One might think at first glance that this means all '62 FCs
had this design. Nope. You can tell from the dates in the change log that it
happened quite late in the production year (and observation of '62 FCs
P.S. Every once in awhile you will find an older version of a page included,
essentially because the people on the line did not remove it. I saw this for
one page in a 1970 Nova assembly manual and Bill Hubbell told me he saw one
in a (I think) 1964 Corvair assembly manual.
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Kent Sullivan
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:43 AM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: RE: <VV> Corsa VS Monza VS 500 air grill
Yes, exactly.
Folks, a word of advice: When you are doing research like this, PLEASE look
at the assembly manual early in your quest. The manuals have a TON of
relevant info on topics like this. You can often avoid a post or at least
the nature of the post will be different--more to confirm than to ask.
The manuals are worth more than their weight in gold! :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Jim McLott
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7:15 AM
To: NicolCS at aol.com; virtualvairs at corvair.org; mhicks130 at cox.net;
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Subject: RE: <VV> Corsa VS Monza VS 500 air grill
The paint specs for the rear grill are also shown in the 1966 Assembly
Manual - section 11, page B1.
500 - body color
Monza - silver out to the "lip"
Corsa - silver over the slots, with an insert screwed in place over the
slots and covering out to the "lip"
Jim McLott & Christine, the 1966 Monza convertible she-devil (with a grill
and body that's been repainted Madiera Maroon by some PO)
Member: CORSA, Corvair Atlanta and Group Red (Ret.)
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org on behalf of NicolCS at aol.com
Sent: Wed 12/21/2005 1:44 AM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org; mhicks130 at cox.net; hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Subject: <VV> Corsa VS Monza VS 500 air grill
>From the 1965 Dealer Showroom Album...
Corvair Series Features:
Corsa: ..."Bright engine exhaust grille" ("Bright" is GMspeak for polished
Monza: ... "Silver-painted engine air exhaust grille"
500: ... (No features listed for exhaust grille)
Craig (just the facts, Maam) Nicol
<snip> I appreciate your inputs on this JR, I really do, but I would
appreciate it more if you could provide some reference for these statements.
Even if it's just "years of personal observation". Otherwise I kind of have
to assume it's just an opinion. I originally started this thread in an
attempt to eliminate opinions and get to the facts, just the facts. Mike
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