<VV> Corvair Carbs

Larry Forman Larry at Forman.net
Mon Dec 19 22:52:18 EST 2005

At 06:15 PM 12/19/2005 -0800, Andy Clark wrote:
>If I'm digging through a bin full of Corvair H (primary) carbs. How do I
>tell which ones have power valves? Most of them don't have tags. I've always
>taken them apart in the past, in order to find out, so I don't know how to
>tell from an external-only inspection.
>Andy Clark

Hi Andy,
I highly recommend you purchase the CORSA Tech Guide and Supplement.  It 
has a full description of the carbs and all changes and how to tell them 
apart.  The short answer, I believe, is to look and see if there is a vent 
at the base of the carb, if so, it has a power enrichment valve.  There are 
some other ways, like where to look and see the lead plug that was needed 
when they needed to drill horizontally into that area.  There might be 
other items for the smog carbs, but that is a quick way for most if not all 
of them.

-- Larry

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