<VV> Brake Bleeding

Ryan Verthein daretocorvair at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 16 11:37:33 EST 2005

I was just wondering...for those of you who have put
completely new brake sets into your car ....lines,
wheel cylinders...stuff like that...  How did you go
about bleeing the system?  I can't imagine pumping the
pedal THAT much...that's a lot of fluid to move!  Is
there a pressure bleed system that I can use or

I know in the days of Vairs, there was a cap that went
over the master cylinder...and now I'm switching to a
dual MC...

Thoughts?  comments? ideas?


1965 Corsa/110/4
and http://free4allband.tripod.com/corsacorvair.html

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