<VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 11, Issue 77
J R Read_HML
hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 12 22:34:02 EST 2005
I've seen 2 or 3 different versions. Don't recall a rubber boot, but could
be. Looks like a GM box. Once the Corvette guys see it, it will go out of
Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: <mhicks130 at cox.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 9:24 PM
Subject: <VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 11, Issue 77
> Is this the standard LM spare tire lock ? eBay item number: 4596261415
> We had one for our '66 and my current '65 is supposed to have one but
> doesn't. I don't remember our 66's having a rubber cover like this one
> says it does. So what's up with that?
> mike
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