A rolling time warp;
was Re: <VV> Purchased an NOS Corvair Delco Model 556 Battery
Mike Stillwell
yenko117 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 10:23:42 EST 2005
I have some neoprene O-rings if that will help your
experience. ;-)
--- Joe West <joew at diveaz.com> wrote:
> hehe...
> My plan is to use it and when it finally dies, I'll
> drain it, clean it out
> on the inside with baking soda and use it for show.
> Somehow... I just cannot resist restoring this car
> back to original and then
> driving the heck out of it. I'm just not the type
> to restore a car and then
> make it a garage/show queen. Whether it be using an
> NOS battery or driving
> a fully restored car knowing it will get rock chips
> and things will wear
> out; it is all the same.
> I get an intense amount of pleasure driving my 64
> Spyder Convertible and
> listening to folks who make comments almost
> everywhere I stop. From the
> old-timer who remembers having a Corvair to the
> teenager who thinks my
> Corvair is a Mercedes. Driving a Corvair is a great
> way to meet people.
> Stirring memories in people who grew up with
> Corvairs is the absolute
> best... watching smiles creep over their faces as
> they walk around my car...
> listening to their memories and knowing that they
> haven't thought about such
> things for a LONG time.
> My Corvair is a rolling time-warp... and it takes
> people back to a time when
> things were simpler... life was easier... and helps
> them dust off the
> cobwebs from things long since forgotten.
> But driving and using a fully restored Corvair (or
> any Corvair for that
> matter) isn't just about reactions from other
> people... it's about taking me
> back to a simpler time. When I drive my Corvair and
> I listen to the AM
> radio... I travel back in time myself. I am for the
> duration of the trip,
> in another time... I focus on the sounds of the car,
> the simplicity. My
> Corvair simply does not allow the pressures of
> modern life to invade It's
> interior. I only drive it once or twice a week...
> but it is ALWAYS a treat.
> I understand that there is a place for 100 point
> show cars. I understand
> that those who work to make a car perfect want to
> keep it that way by never
> driving it... for me... it is unthinkable. Perhaps
> if I had two Corvairs...
> one for show and one to drive... but I'm a single
> Corvair guy... its kind of
> like a marriage... I can't cheat on my Corvair by
> getting another one :)
> I'll drive my Corvair and it will be as close as
> possible to the way it
> rolled off the assembly line in July of 1964. When
> things wear out... I'll
> fix them... fixing my Corvair is as much therapy for
> me as driving it is.
> Today... when I drive my Corvair to work... it will
> be running on a factory
> battery (assuming it still works <grin>). If the
> battery only lasts a
> year... so be it... I will have driven my Corvair
> for a year with the
> correct battery in it :)
> Well... I'm off to my time machine... 1964 here I
> come.
> Joe West
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