<VV> Differences between '65 and '66

VAN A. PERSHING persh at aztecfreenet.org
Tue Dec 6 12:52:40 EST 2005

I didn't get the location of the 117 known differences between '65s and
'66s so I don't know if this one made the list. I noticed on the '66 that I
recently tore into that on the inside of the roof just behind the point
where the little clothes hanging hook mounts through the headliner, there
was a stamping welded in place that looked like it might have been intended
for an optional sholder belt (on both side, of course). The '65 didn't have it.
It looks like it's too far back to actually be for the seat belt and I didn't
use in when installing the new three-point belts. 

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