<VV> Quick Steering Again
HallGrenn at aol.com
HallGrenn at aol.com
Tue Dec 6 11:26:56 EST 2005
Mark, Mike Stillwell and All,
As sometimes happens not being specific enough gets in the way of
communication. In my earlier post I meant to say that if you are going to change to a
factory box use the factory arms (quick or normal) too. If you can't get both
the factory box will help but not give full effect. I do not recommend using
after market arms with the factory quick box. Seth's response was the clearest
(he sells the stuff too). Mike and others are perfectly correct too (no box
or no arms Mike?:)). Picture the Pittman arm, idler arm, steering arms, tie
rods, etc. as a parallelogram. The Ackerman angle should not change unless you
change a part of the parallelogram. The steering box transfers your steering
wheel input to the parallelogram. If you only use the factory (or Flaming
River) box your Ackerman angle does not change. If you use the factory quick
box and the factory arms (which were designed for the job) then you will get the
full benefit of the option without sacrificing daily handling (and your
tires). If you are a racer whatever allows you to go faster without sacrificing
safety is the goal and the Ackerman angle may not be as critical.
Hope this help clarify my point. I don't pretend to be an engineer so if
I've really fouled up let me know.
Bob Hall
Group Corvair
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