<VV> "ship of fools" aka V V

J R Read_HML hmlinc at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 4 01:13:33 EST 2005

Hear! Hear!

Move on toward the future.

Actually Chuck - oh excuse me, Louis ...  That is one of the more sane 
things I've seen from you lately.

I only call you Louis because I know you are being serious in your Southern 
sort of way.  Don't get mad at me - I might cry and leave forever.


Attachments (if any) are scanned with anti-virus software.

Later, JR
'61 Rampside Standard 4/110
'65 Monza Convertible 4/140 (time 2)
'66 beater Coupe - icemobile 4/140

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Louis C. Armer,Jr." <carmerjr at mindspring.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 04, 2005 12:04 AM
Subject: <VV> "ship of fools" aka V V

> Oh my Captain, we are on a sinking vessel it seems. Now we are to be all 
> perceived
> as fools because we on occasion dare to disagree ? Alas, all the years of 
> our lives are
> bound to be spent in the shallows and low tides. A small pebble has been 
> cast upon the
> still waters of the list and now the ripples shall become a Tsunami that 
> engulfs all of our
> chances for happiness this Holiday season. I choose not to participate in 
> unrelenting
> nashing of teeth and soul but to continue on in my chosen hobby. Long live 
> V V,
> Long live the Corvair !
> Chuck Armer
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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