<VV> Convention issue of Communique
lonwall at corvairunderground.com
Wed Aug 31 13:13:42 EDT 2005
Hank - Harry and Mike had northing to do with the dues increase - it was
an action by the board to stave off what would have been a crisis year
without it - We decided to stay a slight step ahead of the curve. The
last dues increase was 1997 - We're all mature intelligent adults who
have lived on earth the past 8 years so it would seem unbelievable that
anyone out there would whine about a very modest dues increase. The
truth is, I was in favor of a slightly larger increase and so was almost
a majority of the other directors - but not a majority. As a result we
got a smaller increase, which in my opinion, means we'll be back asking
for another increase sooner than we would have - Never the less.........
Many of the parts I (and others) sell will have/have had a bigger
increase in price JUST in 2005 than this Corsa dues increase to cover
the last 8 years!!! We really need to stop strangling Corsa financially
and start behaving like mature adults who know full well that
prices/expenses have continued to rise every year - and will continue to
do so. I can absolutley guarrantee that Social Security has increased
MUCH more than this very modest dues increase and so has virtually
everything else.
Would the tiny minority of our members who may (or may not) scream
about this increase support a proposal that the dues would automatically
increase by the US consumer price index every year? Everything else
increases at least that much. If this is agreeable to them then
immediatly triple the amount we increased the dues. Am I overstating the
I'm not going to critisize past boards for not increasing dues before
now? No, because I understand the reasoning - Corsa wasn't facing
immediate financial disaster and dues increases are not popular. So this
board got stuck with the dirty work.
Now a vocal few will ask - couldn't Corsa cut expenses instead - Well of
course it could, but exactly how decimated would you like the
organization to get? Corsa has been losing ground financially every
year we've had inflation (no matter how small) so a lot has been cut
back in some form or another already. Still there are repeated calls on
this list and elsewhere for Corsa to do more - in a whole universe of
projects. Doesn't add up does it?
Lon Wall
Western Director Corsa
>Hank rote -
> What I would like to see is some kind of article from the
>CORSA Treasurer or Harry explaining the why's and wherefores of the dues increase. I don't want to tell Harry his business, he doesn't tell me about mine. But somehow methinks an article on it in the front of the magazine would have been preferrable to the negative feedback I fear will be coming from a short blurb in the last column of one of the last pages.
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