<VV> Thermisters

Eric S. Eberhard flash at vicspdi.com
Mon Aug 15 14:21:03 EDT 2005

How do I find Lew Richel and why can't the difference be fixed electronically?

At 07:36 AM 8/15/2005, you wrote:
>AC no longer manufactures the thermister but they seem to be somewhat
>available used; usually trading for $75 give or take.  There are no direct
>replacements. Many EE-types have investigated substitutes.  Lew 
>Richel  (San Diego)
>sells a rough substitute that provides a reading on the gauge, but  it's not
>accurate.  He includes a conversion chart.  Clarks  occasionally has new
>thermisters and their price is $250 or so.  VDO  and Westech both 
>make CHT gauge
>setups.  I'm not familiar with the Westech  sender but the VDO 
>sender attaches
>under a sparkplug.  The VDO unit  provides accurate readings at the 
>plug but these
>readings do not seem to  correlate to what we see with the GM hardware.  The
>rub with available  thermisters is that the are soldered internally where the
>OE piece was  crimped to take the expected 600 degree gauge maximum.
>110 heads do not have a place to directly install the thermister. Clarks
>makes an adapter that provides the proper threads and due to it's installed
>height, it provides adequate depth for the thermister as well. In my younger
>days, I had the nerve to drill 110 heads deeper and rethread the 
>hole for the
>required fine threads.
>Craig Nicol
><snip>My understanding is that the transducer  for the Cyl Head Temp gauge
>used in
>the Corsa dash is no longer available  (NLA) but there is a substitute (do
>the LM 110 heads have a place for it ?)  or  there is a spark plug mounted
>transducer  ? - does someone  have a source for either ? The Clark catalog
>seems a bit vague and trying to  get everything in place for a conversion.
>Padgett  <unsnip>
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Eric S. Eberhard
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