<VV> 140 stalling (now circuit tracing)
NicolCS at aol.com
NicolCS at aol.com
Sat Aug 13 10:44:47 EDT 2005
It's obvious that you have a short to ground somewhere - here's how I would
isolate it.
Symptoms - stalling, 4-blown fuses, fuse blows when brake pedal depressed
I'd start with the brake light circuit since it's easy to control.
Remove brake light bulbs - while you are there, inspect the sockets - the
short could be there.
Substitute brake fuse for a buzzer or test light
Push brake pedal and observe test light or buzzer. Light or buzzer ON
indicates a short somewhere in the harness system. OFF indicates problem in
bulb/socket area.
Disconnect body connector & retest. If light or buzzer OFF, short is in
engine harness
Disconnect body connector underdash at front of tunnel & retest. If light
or buzzer OFF, short is in tunnel harness
Disconnect turnsignal connector at base of column. If light or buzzer OFF,
short is in turn signal switch.
Craig Nicol
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