<VV> Re: rejection and alternate archive
Joe West
joew at diveaz.com
Tue Aug 9 09:47:01 EDT 2005
Hi JR,
Hi JR,
Your comments are addressed inline.
On 8/8/05 9:00 PM, "J R Read_HML" <hmlinc at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> So, it is your intention to split the community? That is what it sounds
> like in that message.
No... ABSOLUTELY not. My intention is to offer a resource that isn't
available anywhere else... a fully searchable archive of every single post
to the virtual vair email majordomo.
> Change is not necessarily always a good thing.
Change is usually accompanied by rejection from those who do not like
change. It is very true that it isn't always good. However... I'm not
mandating change, only offering options.
> Valuable things can be passed both ways - young to old and old to young.
> Why attempt to put them in separate "camps"?
Not separate... simply offer something not available on VV.
> Earlier you posted a pic and a link. The link took me to the alternative
> (CorvairClub or whatever it is called) site where I could not view without
> registering. Since I already participate in a couple of VV type exchange
> locations, I did not do so and was unable to view. Why could the pic not
> have been posted (as is common practice on VV) to a location which was open
> to all without registration? It came across (to me anyway) as a way to
> force up the count of registered users at the "alternative" location. Left
> a bad taste in the craw.
Point well taken, but increasing the number of registered users wasn't my
intent. I didn't even think about the fact that people who haven't
registered couldn't see the picture. I was focused on my problem at the
time. Besides... if people aren't interested, all they need to do is ignore
the post. Let's not lose sight of the fact that no one is being forced to
use the archive or to register.
> What is the purpose of creating a competition between VV and yourself? If
> you truly do have a "better mousetrap", why not find a way to meld it with
> the existing arrangement - evolution rather than revolution? Perhaps
> registration on VV would automatically provide access? I don't know if that
> can be done, but it would serve to keep the VV community together and still
> offer alternative search capabilities for those who wish to utilize them.
No competition JR... I know I sound like a broken record here... but this is
nothing more than another option for people who wish to use it. I can't
honestly say that I see an argument for fewer options as being viable.
> "Natural progression - change" and Re-invention are not the same thing.
> Joe, I believe that if you will do a search (either place) on forum VS
> email, you will find that the topic has surfaced a number of times over the
> years. Each time, the majority (well at least the vocal ones) seemed to
> prefer email over forum.
Excellent! Then things will progress along their normal course... and an
electronic version of Darwin's survival of the fittest will take place.
People will use what they are most comfortable with and hopefully, both
majordomo and forum will find a place in the Corvair owner's toolbox.
I appreciate your thoughts JR... but honestly, there is no evil intent by my
creating the archive. Only an effort to create something that other Corvair
owners may find useful. Nothing more... nothing less.
If you think that I have some hidden agenda, consider this:
A few months ago I notified CORSA BOD that my intent was to donate the
forum, software, and archive to them when I am finished.
Do you want to know what response I got from CORSA? Here it is:
<begin response from CORSA BOD>
<end response from CORSA BOD>
Take Care JR.
Kind Regards,
Joe West
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