<VV> RE: Communique article rejection about using Corvair site

Rick Loving ral1963 at comcast.net
Mon Aug 8 20:52:07 EDT 2005

It's not about wanting for Free, it's about being wary and entering into
the unknown unarmed...

What do you pay for advertising, it costs the business but it is free
for the customer to watch/read so they have the information they need to
make a good decision.  

When I was 19, and had just bought my first vair, I would not buy a
$20.00 book sight unseen.  Now if several people I knew (possibly
online) recommended it I sure would. How does that newbie with online
access see what is available to him/her.  

Now 16 years later I own nearly every Corvair book written.  I have
owned 13 Corvairs, paid my CORSA dues for 16 years, been to many
Nationals and mini's, and spent well over ten thousand dollars on my
hobby supporting all of the Vendors.

If we do not get the information out to the unknowing, how do we grow
and develop the future of the organization.

I have always said that I would gladly pay for subscription to VV,
Fastvair, Corvair Central, Corvair Center, and VirtualCorvairClub as
they are that beneficial to me, but others if they are not aware of the
benefit will shy away.

What would have happened to me if I would have been snubbed 16 years ago
and decided to get an old Ford instead....

Do we really care about those who will not spend $20.00 for a $34.95 
Book......we should if we want him to take the step into being a strong
member of the Corvair community in the future.

You can't just blow off someone who lacks the knowledge.....

Rick Loving


Lon wrote...

Ah the 21st Century.......and the internet age.  My parts don't address 
people who haven't committed to buying them either. It's the same old 
thing - the 21st Century belief is that information is crucial - in fact

so valuable, that there should never be value in exchange. Free free 
free - and THAT is the real reason VV has lost so many "valuable" people

and thier advice. Larry Claypool, Steve Goodman etc all have to make a 
living and cannot spend hours a day giving free advice.

Do we really care about those who will not spend $20.00 for a $34.95 
book (In my opinion) even when all or nearly all the money goes to the 
Corvair Society of America? No one is faulting you Rick or any of the 
other unselfish people who try to help others who are less than 
appreciative of the value that you give them and ask nothing in return 
for it.

Lon (Who is having a miserable time spending most of the day giving 
"free" advice for people who bought thier parts somewhere else, 
Carquest, on e bay, etc etc etc)

PS - I think I understand Harry's concern about the 
virtualcorvairclub.com, but I will keep those observations to myslef.

Rick Loving wrote:

>The Corvair Basic's manual was great step in the right direction but
>does not address people who haven't committed to buying it.

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