<VV> Let's be careful out there! - road america?
corsa180 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 00:01:25 EDT 2005
Well, yes, you are "take"ing about "stuff" you don't
know about. (he said huffily indignant!)
Specifically, this was the start and finish of the
Vintage GTO race at the Brian Redman International
Challenge event at Road America on July 17.
I was there working Flagging and Communications at
corner 3 & 3A (yes, Race Official!). The race was red
flagged either just before or just as the green was to
be shown.
Initial reports conflict, but it appears that the
second place car may have checked up abruptly after
the first place car had gotten somewhat of a jump at
the start. This may have been an attempt to make the
jump appear larger than it was. The result was a chain
reaction crash at the Start-Finish. The race was never
restarted. There were 17 cars involved in the
Thank goodness that no one was seriously injured, and
that no Corvairs were involved.
Corvairs normally do not run in this class, usually
they're in the big prod group. (D-Prod.)
Rich Roberts,
and a coupla Corvairs.
werp knarly wrote:
> i think my sister-in-law's husband saw that happen,
> he had said something about a huge accident during
the vintage race weekend
> at road america,
> i hate to take about stuff im not sure about,
> he thought it had something to do with two flag guys
waving different flags
> near the start.
> if that was the case, i would have something to say
to the track officials !
> (i bet RA wont put that picture in any of their
> Thanks!
> Joe, Lisa, Teegan, and Mina
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary Swiatowy" <mopar at jbcs2.net>
> To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 4:27 AM
> Subject: <VV> Let's be careful out there!
> > Very sad pictures from a vintage car race.
> >
> > http://www.v8buick.com/showthread.php?t=78906
> >
> > Gary Swiatowy
> >
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