Snow is a four-letter word, was: <VV> Oh the horror!
Bill Elliott
Corvair at
Mon Apr 25 10:15:38 EDT 2005
Ah, Global Warming!
Spring Carlisle this weekend was bitterly cold and wet, but no snow.
(Corvair report: very low. Cotrofeld had a small table set up with a beautiful 180 in a plastic case. Rusty (but good looking from 5') '66 Monza vert for sale in
the corral for $3500, solid (but not real pretty) '65 Monza sedan 140/pg among the vendors for $1475 or so. A '64 Spyder vert showed up in the corral late
in the day, but I think I recognized this from a dealer that had it overpriced for the condition, so I didn't even take a close look at it.
Muscle car prices were at Barrett Jackson prices...for driver quality cars. Not sure if televising that very entertaining two days of fantasy is good for the
hobby or not. My favorite car there was a 1929 Cadillac V8 tourer... only $87,000... and it wasn't even in driver quality condition.
As one of the vendors told me, only the nutca... er... "serious" attendees were there. ;-)
However, coming back from Cumberland, MD (in the panhandle) last night, we encountered fierce snow and sleet coming over the mountains. _Just_
warm enough (36) that nothing was sticking.
What was the weather for Spring Jefferson in WI?
On Mon, 25 Apr 2005 09:57:44 -0400, airvair wrote:
>Here in north central Ohio, we had 6-8" of melting snow. Depending on
>what it landed on, some of it melted right off. Right now, all the
>pavement (including my patio) is clear, but there is a big heap coating
>the picnic table. And I was wondering why all the trees weren't leafed
>out last week when it was in the 70's! Now those trees that DID leaf out
>have snow on them. Bizzarre. Ah, springtime in Ohio!
>It's supposed to be in the 50's today. LOL!
>-Mark C
>Tony Underwood wrote:
>> At 11:14 hours 04/24/2005, Frog Princezz wrote:
>>> Hey everyone,
>>> You may have been wondering what has been going on with me and
>>> mine... well his the update.
>>> Prince made the perfect song years ago... "Sometimes it Snows in
>>> April" here it is April 24th and we have about 2 inches of snow.
>> It wasn't that long ago that one of the VA Vair Fair shows got snowed
>> out... and they're held in May.
>> tony..
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