<VV> Corvairitis (hunor?)
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
carmerjr at mindspring.com
Wed Apr 20 14:52:50 EDT 2005
Actually in Ryan's case, it is a genetic thing handed down thru the
generations !!! <GGG>
I thought originally it was only transmitted on the male side but "MOM" has
dispelled the
theory. <GGG>
At 02:27 AM 4/20/05 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 4/19/2005 8:05:27 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>chevyd51 at yahoo.com writes:
>My mom was talking with a guy at workwho knew of some
>Corvairs...well, I got word on them tonight...they're
>all earlies, two spyders and a Monza parts car...two
>of them were running recently, and the guy only wants
>$700 for ALL THREE of them!
>Yay! Looks like I might have more...
>Ah, Yes Ryan - The unofficial Corvair Club motto: "Bet-cha can't own just
>(For those of us old enough to remember the Lay's Potato Chip ad!)
>Seth Emerson
>Sethracer at aol.com
>C's the day! Corvair, Camaro, Corvette
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman
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