<VV> "BOUNCED NOTICES" and Carter YH issues
Duane, Jim
Jim.Duane at it.BAESystems.com
Mon Apr 18 07:59:01 EDT 2005
Tony, I figured you had the bases covered. Let us know (I know you'll
find it) what it is! Good luck!
-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-bounces at corvair.org] On Behalf Of Tony Underwood
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 2:43 AM
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org
Subject: RE: <VV> "BOUNCED NOTICES" and Carter YH issues
At 08:20 hours 04/15/2005, Duane, Jim wrote:
>Hi Tony.
> With the idle screw bottomed out, the engine must be getting
>adequate fuel to idle elsewhere.
My money is on the theory that the mixture screw seat is wallowed or
likewise boogered and the screw won't seat securely enough to shut off
fuel flow. Tighten the screw and it keeps on running. That's about
I can figger, because the car (before this second issue came up) ran
like a champ, smooth transition between off-idle and WFO.
>The carb can still draw from the part
>throttle port or, more likely, the float isn't (floating)
Doublechecked and weighed during the last overhaul/reassembly. By the
way, the tailpipe on this car is clean. No over-rich running mixtures.
>or the fuel
>pump is overpowering the needle/seat.
Fuel pressure regulator is in place and set for 1.75 lbs, plenty for a
>Simple carb, they tell me...
>"They" are a bit off-base. The Carter Y is a crowded closet compared
>the Rochester H, which must be one of the simplest carbs I ever saw on
>any domestic car engine built in my lifetime.
And the Carter Y is childs-play compared to the Carter BBS 1xbbl
to Mopar /sixes made in the smog years. Damned thing had three jets
two different metering rods, all to fight smog. Nothing like the
simplicity and reliability of a carb designed without government
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