<VV> If the Genral says...

Ron ronh at owt.com
Sun Apr 17 13:27:58 EDT 2005

Sure, we've heard about 85 mpg carburetors and other pie-in-the-sky scams, 
but we were smart enough to laugh it off.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Kubin" <dreamwoodck at yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 10:09 AM
Subject: <VV> If the Genral says...

> ==== if the General thought 2 YHs were better than
> one, they
> would have  don it themselves and since they didn't it
> can't work. =====
> C'mon, Dennis!!!  There are tons of things out there
> that work like gangbusters and didn't end up on the
> production line.  You've heard of 85 mpg carbs,
> haven't you? Some things aren't practical, some things
> are engineering or political compromise, and some
> things just won't squeeze the consumer's dime until
> Roosevelt craps out 9 cents.
> Back in high school, a friend of mine mounted twin
> Corvair turbos on a 421 in a GTO. Worked good.
> Couldn't keep it clutches, rear ends or drive shafts
> without a lot of experimenting. The General might have
> tried it, but you didn't see it in your average Monza.
> Chuck Kubin
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