<VV> Re: remove it all but safely please!

N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Sat Apr 16 20:21:24 EDT 2005

please dont even mention tree stumps to hold a car up! we lost a good corvair 
guy a few years back ,that way. he was under a van on tree stumps , wife 
found him late in day when he did not show for a meal.
the only way to do that tranny with minimal chance for damage or injury is to 
remove it all. for cripes sakes i have had many witness me removing earlys in 
minutes (faster when mad).just put my van power train back in yesterday. 
(powerglide issues) i would get one of those $50 motorcycle jacks  , the damage 
you save would probably pay for it first time out...and use jack stands! (good 
regards, tim colson

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