<VV> Screech when starting

Jim Houston tampatexan at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 14 08:56:23 EDT 2005

I have a problem with my '65 Monza...  SOMETIMES, when starting off, 
there is a really LOUD screeching noise from the rear of the car -- (No, 
it's not an owl)..  I have concluded that it isn't the throwout bearing 
because it doesn't make noise when the clutch is depressed.  The noise 
only occurs when starting to move in 1st or Reverse.  (Several people 
heard the noise when I left St.Augustine - right, Cecil and the 
Chuckster?)  And, it doesn't do it all the time...  I have no idea where 
to start, although I suspect something in the transmission ...  any 
suggestions for further troubleshooting??

Jim Houston
Brandon, FL
'65 Monza (sick)
'66 Monza (Group Red)

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