<VV> don't trust clutch

Chuck Kubin dreamwoodck at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 11 17:00:39 EDT 2005


I agree with Craig completely. Either someone managed
to  fatfinger it before, or one or more of the fingers
lost their temper through use.  The fingers are spring
steel, and how the plate flexes and puts pressure on
the disc depends on the fingers' health.  I don't
remember the exact cost, but a local shop that
rebuilds clutches replaced all the fingers and
surfaced my pressure plate for a very reasonalve
price, much cheaper than buying a new one. Didn't even
blink when I said "Corvair."
Putting the old one in the way it is will give you
more problems that it is worth. Maybe not tomorrow.
Probably by the end of the week.

Chuck Kubin

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