<VV> Stock Corvairs

Bill Hubbell whubbell at cox.net
Thu Apr 7 11:09:50 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Wrsssatty at aol.com>
> I'd like to pose this as a broader question.  At least on early Monzas, 
> did
> Corvairs ever come from the factory with the metal around the door painted 
> the
> exterior color while the door panel is another color matching the 
> upholstery?
> I see this a lot in pics on eBay, etc. but I don't recall ever having seen 
> it
> in sales brochures, etc.
> Bill Stanley

Before I attempt to answer this question, I would like to pose another one. 
These sorts of questions come up so often, and it would be wonderful if 
there was one place you could turn to for the answers, but, really, there 
isn't.  Larry Claypool did a long-running series about Stock (Stock Is...) 
in the Corsa communique (1980s-90s), but it has never been compiled into a 
single volume, and some questions were left unanswered.  Unless you have 
access to all the issues, it is hard to come by that information.  Other 
texts have been written and published, but are generally felt to be 
inadequate or inaccurate in various ways.  There is lots of information in a 
number of different volumes (Shop Manuals/Assembly Manuals/Parts 
Manuals/Brochures, etc.) but again, you have to have these publications, and 
even if you do, it is often difficult to find exactly what you are looking 
for.   I believe that the "definitive" Stock Corvair resource has yet to be 
written and published, and I, for one, am anxious to see the project begin. 
To that aim, I am posing the following question:

If a new special-interest CORSA chapter were formed (Stock Interest 
Group) -- dedicated to reasearch, study, preservation, restoration and 
overall interest in Stock Corvairs, would you join it?  The assumption is 
that such a chapter could meet annually at the CORSA convention and further 
the process of developing the manuals and recognizing the achievements of 
CORSA members in the areas of Stock Corvairs.

Please, to keep the VV list free of clutter, respond by PRIVATE POST to me 
only.  As a CORSA Director, I promise to develop this group should enough 
interest be generated.

OK, as promised, the answer to your question, Bill Stanley:

The interior color of early Corvair cars was NEVER exactly the same as the 
Exterior color.  The exteriors were finished in Laquer at 100% gloss, 
whereas the interiors were finished at 80% gloss (dash at 60% gloss). 
Although often the interior and exterior color appear to be the same color, 
they actually were different paints.  For example, on my 1964 Aqua Sedan:
Location         GM Number       Name                       Ditzler original 
---------         -------------    -----------                   ----------------
Exterior          918                 "Azure Aqua"                 12525
Interior             A                 "Medium Aqua Poly"       12533
Dash                                    "Dark Aqua Poly"            12753
Vinyl              755                "Medium Metallic Aqua"  (n/a)

Now, it should be noted that for SOME interior colors, a different color was 
used for the paint and the vinyl, for example in 1964, white (ivory) 
interiors (only available on
600 and 900 models)  usually had red dash, red/white steering wheel and red 

Hope this helps, and I look forward to hearing from all your PRIVATE replies

Bill Hubbell 

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