<VV> I-35 convention
Mike Ioanes
mioanes at woh.rr.com
Wed Apr 6 13:15:06 EDT 2005
----- Original Message -----
From: <bub049 at comcast.net>
To: <virtualvairs at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: <VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 3, Issue 35
> Hi Mike,
> Seriously....... ICE prepared a bid for the 2007 convention and was passed
> over in favor of the Detroit bid (as far as I know). ICE later proposed a
> kickass regional convention to be held this coming June and was accepted.
> (Thank you Iowa Corvair Enthusiasts!). We, in Minnesota, had considered a
> 2007 bid to the point of forming a committee to study the feasability of
> it. We decided to not bid for a convention based on several factors: 1.
> Our membership, like other clubs, has significantly aged. A lion's share
> of the people that would put together the proposed 2007 convention would
> be the same ones that hosted the 1977 convention in Minneapolis, only 30
> years older. 2. We decided that we did not have enough members to pull it
> off. Many clubs hosting recent conventions enjoy the close proximity of
> other clubs, and they typically host the convention as a groups of clubs
> together. Minneapolis has it's closest fellow club around 200 miles away.
> 3. We heard that ICE was preparin!
> g a bid for the 2007 convention and chose to defer to them and if they
> were given the convention, offer our help and support in putting it on.
> We felt that as much as we would have loved to have hosted another
> convention, we do not have the numbers of people available to put on a
> convention with the high quality programs we have come to expect from a
> CORSA International Convention. No chapter wants to be the one to host a
> convention that falls on it's face.
> I would love to see a convention along the I-35 corridor. Perhaps a
> consortium of the clubs along that same corridor should get together and
> look into the possibility of hosting one in a centralized location, with
> each club responsible for a portion of the convention. It would be a
> monumental task, but one that I am sure is possible. I know I speak for my
> fellow members of Corvair Minnesota in stating that we would support such
> a bid and would sponser our fair share of events.
> I am willing to put my 2 bits where my mouth is. I will work with other
> folks from the I-35 corridor to examine the possibility of bidding for the
> 2010 convention (God willing I live that long!).
> Bob Johnston
> Frostbite Falls, MN
> Former CORSA BOD, former CORSA VP, founder Corvair MN
> (older now and much wiser.......)
Bob, while I haven't been around CORSA nearly as long as you, I have some
understanding of the process. Also have heard (seen) most of the threads
about convention location, timing, weather, etc. (I've been a CORSA member
and VV member since late 97) I'm guessing Texas would have the best chance
of pulling it off but will also have a lot of complaints, "It's TOO HOT!".
It was hot in Daytona Beach, pretty warm in Lexington, it's not anything
like cold here in Ohio in the summer. My point is, that wouldn't stop ME
from going. I'm guessing Dallas isn't much further from southern California
than Portland is (haven't checked my map, just my gut).
Do you really live in the same town as Rocky and Bullwinkle?
doing my part to stir up trouble
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