<VV> Nader comes unglued (NO CORVAIR)

Mike Stillwell yenko117@yahoo.com
Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:27:15 -0700 (PDT)

 I believe it's also illegal (at least in my small
mountain town) to post any kind of poster, placard,
etc on light poles, telephone poles and street signs.
Therefore, Bill is just exercising his civic duty in
removing this wastefull material. Thanks Bill!


--- Ron F Hinz <ronh@owt.com> wrote:

> I do believe that it is just plain illegal to remove
> political campaign
> posters.  Bill cannot be supported in his illegal
> activities.
> RonH
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <Wrsssatty@aol.com>
 I've been noticing a number of Nader campaign posters
popping up on light poles, etc.  One example read; "A
Vote For Nader is A Vote For...NADER!"  Much to my
delight I've discovered that whatever they're put up
with doesn't hold very well and they can be easily
peeled off in one piece.  I've been deriving great
pleasure from peeling them all off!
 Bill Stanley

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