Humor, no Corvair, was: <VV> Corvair "firsts", now Julian
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 12:08:43 -0400
Maybe they ought to build the SUV's and vans that way. Sure would solve
the rollover problem. LOL
P.S. Hey Craig, don't take any wooden nicols! (G) wrote:
>Not only did the Julian have a rear mounted air-cooled engine, it was a
>horizontal, radial engine. Now, here's the kicker" the crankshaft was stationairy
>and the radial cylinder-group rotated! The movement of the cylinders
>created the cooling airflow. Evidently, cooling was iffy and worked better with the
>(rear) hood removed. No hoods for these cars exist today. Some reports
>indicate that there was a noticible gyroscopic effect as the vehicle (attempted)
>to negotiate corners.
>Craig Knuckle, er..., Nicol