<VV> Things you find in old cars.
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 17:35:45 -0700
I thought tinfoil around the old fuse was playing Russian Roulette, but this
takes the cake!
In Canada we need to find alternate uses for our ammo, 'cause we got no
yea, Vairily ... Shaun
----- Original Message -----
From: "Macdonald David" <dmacd_us@yahoo.com>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 1:49 PM
Subject: <VV> Things you find in old cars.
> The heater fan in my car was acting up and I reached
> down to the fusebox and moved the fuses around to get
> it working again. A little wiggling of the fuses and a
> bunch of sparks and the heater was working again but I
> knew something was not right. Later, I got the light
> out and got a good look at the problem.
> Here's what I found in picture form:
> http://mysite.verizon.net/dmacdon/corvair/Fusebox.JPG
> I guess the PO wanted an audible warning if the heater
> circuit was ever overloaded. :)
> I'm not a fanatic about returning the car to stock but
> in this case I thought it was a good idea.
> David Macdonald
> '65 Canadian Corsa 140 Coupe
> Now alive after again 30+ years of storage.
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