<VV> Corvair Firsts (more)
Stephen Upham
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:29:48 -0500
Please correct me if I'm wrong but;
First American Production Vehicle with an aluminum block
First Air Cooled
First to use unitized body construction
First to have a greater than one to one horsepower cubic inch
displacement ratio
First to have a front crumple zone
Stephen Upham
Corvairium II
Subject: <VV> Corvair Firsts
Some time ago, I saw a list of Corvair Firsts, this is all I seemed to
Corvair Firsts
First American Production Vehicle with all 'round independent suspension
First American Production Vehicle to use a turbo-charger*
First American Production Vehicle fold-down rear seat
First American Production Vehicle
*(Along with Oldsmobile in the 1962 model year)
Anyone familiar with this list, and can add to it?
Appreciate any help I receive.
Might want to reply on list, others may find value in this.
Bob Lindsey