<VV> Corsa Merchandise at the Fan Belt Toss

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 19:56:18 -0500

I just decided today to attend the Great Western Fan Belt Toss and Swap 
Meet in Palm Springs the second week of November.  Part of the agreement 
for me to go and Debbie and the kids to stay home is I bring a good 
selection of CORSA Merchandise (Debbie is the CORSA merchandise 
Chairperson).  Vintage CORSA has given us some space. I will be bringing a 
wide selection of CORSA merchandise see http://www.corvair.org/csamerc.html 
for what''s available.  We are taking advanced orders, which will guarantee 
to bring what you want.  Email us in advance with your order and we will 
prepackage it for you so you will be sure to get what you want in your 
size.  We can take Cash, Check and credit card orders.  If you order in 
advance or select your items at the Toss, you will save the shipping charge 
which for most items is 15%.  Email your advanced orders to 

Dennis Pleau
CORSA Western Division Director