<VV> Air 'Vairs, was: Birth Announcement
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 17:29:44 -0400
Tis true, Alan. "Air 'Vair" is an air conditioned Corvair, the coolest
Corvair of them all!
I wouldn't necessarily go taking it out of your "new import," because it
can serve to defog the inside of the car in nothing flat. Just the thing
for those foggy English mornings! But realize that you'll also freeze
your butt (that's "arse" to you Britts) off doing it. LOL
-Mark (Prez of the Air 'Vair Group for air conditioned Corvairs)
> Thanks - you have educated me! I have only just grasped the meaning of
> the expression 'Air Vair' - I had hitherto believed that it meant
> 'air-cooled Vairs' - but of course that's all of them. I *thought* it
> was a bit of an odd expression!
> And now I realise that I *own* one as well, because my 65 Sedan has
> a/c - and I was thinking of removing it when I export the car, because
> it's not exactly much use here in Britain - even with Global Warming
> (;-))))).
> Cheers
> Alan