<VV> Anyone in/near Dallas have a differential snout for a LM?
cash case
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 13:22:33 -0500
... If not I guess I better get ahold of a vendor.
110/4 speed-3.27s-LM
My son and I were going to put the transaxle together with the engine
this afternoon, but when we took it out of the car I noticed that the
snout was cracked on the bottom.
I've never cracked open the diff on a corvair. Will I need special
tools to get to the snout and get it out?
Also, This think has years and years of crud on it. It's now separated.
What can I use to get all the crud off this? And will water damage the
interior of the diff or trans?
Hey Bill Wells! Wanna help a fellow American down on his luck? ;op
[demime 0.98e removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of cash face.jpg]
Cash Case, Art guy - 972-444-8531
"Some people are like slinkies.
They're not worth much,
but you can't help but smile
when they tumble down the stairs!"