<VV> Doh! Embarassing resolution to my choke problem.
Macdonald David
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 04:35:50 -0700 (PDT)
I went home last night, with all the helpful advice
form this list I knew I would, at least, be able to
get the car running better hot.
A soon as I popped the choke lever off, the problem
was obvious. The initial cold setting was nowhere near
the service manual setting of "just in plus two
turns". I puzzled for a while, because I'd set this
and double checked it when I was putting the engine
together, yet both sides were now way off.
What I had done is set the chokes BEFORE I torqued
down the carbs. So as the gaskets and insulators
compressed, the carbs moved downwards. Doh!
Now the secondaries are free when the engine is warm
but the car bogs when I open them. However, the
ignition is still set to the dwell and timing I
eyeballed during assembly so I'll set that before I
worry about the bogging.
Thanks to all for their helpful advice on this.
David Macdonald
'65 Corsa 140 (With 2 doors and no pillars, thought it
was a Coupe but perhaps it's a fasttop, that what my
'67 2 door D**ge is called)
I'll be posting pictures of what I found in the
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