<VV> Some carb/choke questions
Macdonald David
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 06:23:34 -0700 (PDT)
I drove the car for about a half hour yesterday and
have a problem with the carbs.
Specifically, the chokes never seem to come off all
the way. They open but never really pull down hard
when hot. The secondary carbs remain locked out. I
double checked the choke setting when cold per the
service manual. The obvious thing is that the coils
need to be replaced. This seems like an unusual
failure. My experience, water pumper based, is that
choke coils don't fail often and both of mine seem to
be acting the same way. Perhaps I'm missing something
I set the float levels per the factory spec. But
seemed to experience some heat soak when I stopped.
I'm tempted to pull the tops off and readjust for a
lower float level. Comments, advice?
'65 Corsa 140 Coupe
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