<VV> Carter YH choke adjustment

Duane, Jim Jim.Duane@DigitalNet.com
Fri, 24 Sep 2004 08:08:04 -0400

Hi Larry.

	Good question!  I can tell you the markings on the choke plate
are for comical value only.
What I find works for me is to start by checking out the warm air path
to assure there are no blocks or leaks from the air cleaner all the way
to the vacuum port of the carb.  Make sure there are no binding parts
and the choke mechanism moves freely.  Then...Fresh in the morning (many
hours of coolness for the spring) hold the throttle 1/2 way open.  Turn
the choke spring lean until the choke plate can be opened fully without
touching the spring.  Then turn the choke plate "rich" until the plate
closes fully, then I go another (quite approximate) 5 more degrees rich.

	It's really a starting point.  Then tweak!  If tweaking isn't
your forte', then there's electric conversion kits around at the
vendors, but it can be done.

Happy tweaking!

Jim Duane

'66 Corsa 180 CVT
Colonial Corvairs

-----Original Message-----
From: virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org
[mailto:virtualvairs-admin@corvair.org] On Behalf Of Larry Danko
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2004 7:58 PM
To: Virtual Vairs
Subject: <VV> Carter YH choke adjustment

Hello everyone. I am having a dickens of a time trying to get the choke
adjusted on my 64 Spyder with a stock Carter YH carb. Does anyone know
secret for doing this. I looked in the shop manual but it's kind of

I would really appreciate any input from the gurus out there in Virtual

Thank you very much,
Larry Danko
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