<VV> Re: FC is Cab Forward
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 12:36:03 EDT
In a message dated 9/23/2004 8:57:56 AM Pacific Standard Time,
alan.wesson@atlas.co.uk writes:
I am currently trying to summon up the courage to bid on this:
It is just over the Italian border from France, less than 100 miles from our
French house, and this is ULTRA RARE!!! 600s only had the sliding windows,
lucite wind deflectors, pre-war Bentley clamshell-style front seats, little
bins on the doors and turn signals on top of the front fenders (like VW
Beetles) for a very short time (this is the first time I have ever seen one
on eBay), although they had suicide doors for several years after those
features disappeared.
Anyway, I WANT this! As I said, I am trying to summon up the courage to bid
on it. It probably means a new marriage, but look what I sold today:
This means I have the money. However, I am *supposed* to be spending the
money on a sensible diesel (we are doing 50000 miles a year at the moment,
and at 19-20 mpg and $6 a gallon it is beginning to hurt). However, it is
*so* tempting to buy the totally impractical and silly 600 than a boring old
diesel (I HATE diesles!). However, if I do buy the 600, I will be looking
for a new wife...
My uncle bought one of these for my aunt when they lived in Lake Charles, LA.
Turn out to be just a hideous vehicle.
It was so bad that after it spent, most of the first 6 months they owned it,
at the dealer he,
(and you've heard these stories before) being a sign painter, painted it
yellow and put a
large sign on the top saying. Yep It's A Lemon and I bought it here!
Parked it on the "public" street in front of the dealer. The dealer called
the cops and wanted them to tow it or at least make him move it. They told the
dealer he could park it there so
long as it was parked legally. Then the dealer told him he would sue him. My
uncle showed
him the many repair receipts and told him to go ahead.
At that point the dealer asked him how much it would cost him to "buy it
back" He paid my
uncle the total cost of the car and all the receipts. I believe he made some
noises about my
uncle paying for the milage on the car and that was countered with "if my
aunt didn't feel
the need to be compensated for all the times it left her stranded."
He paid!
Tim Abney
Proud Member of
United Steelworkers of America, Local 7600
Life Member McHenry County Illinois VietNow
Member American Legion Post #777 - San Bernardino, CA
Member Society of the First Infantry Division (Big Red One)
KLIK - Lai Khe, RVN - 1967-68
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I.E.C.C. President
1965 Corvair Monza Coupe - Valley Vairs Cover Car January 2003 - 2nd Edition
1964 Corvair Monza 4 Door - Back burner project
1961 Corvair Lakewood Wagon - Starting restoration
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