<VV> Fw: Performance Workshop 2005
gary l funkhouser
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 08:47:54 -0400
For those of you who attended the PW in 2004, and those who didn't know
about it, it's time to start thinking about 2005. Dates are Fri. & Sat.
Feb 25 /26. It will again be held at Vintage Motorsports Services Dayton,
Ohio. Fri is just a get together through the day and a group dinner at
the local steak house. Sat. will be the usual milling around with tall
stories and presentations through the day. Lunch is cattered and there
will be a small registration fee. Lots of performance videos on and off
the track. This is a chance to find out what's new in the Corvair
performance world. Lon and Cal supported us with new parts for sale and
some raffle items. There will be additional vendors as well, Ken Hand,
Seth Emerson and others or just bring stuff to sell. But remember, bring
lots of cash because there will be lots of goodies. Last year Dan
Giannotti and I thought we could maybe get 8 or 9 guys together for this
meet but ended having over 70 throughout the day, what a surprise, lots
of Cabin Fever. And remember, you don't have to be a racer to attend. I
will have the motel info later and you can contact me or Dan anytime.
Gary Funkhouser