<VV> RE: On the Subject of Leaving the Key On
Wed, 22 Sep 2004 16:11:31 EDT
I know I'm coming in late on this, but way back in the early sixties the best
mechanic I have ever known (excluding Corvair mechanics naturally) showed me
the "blued" points on a Chevy that had had its ignition switch left in the
"on" position to play the radio. Normally the points make only intermittent
contact to allow the spark to build to high enough voltage for the spark plugs and
stay cool enough (remember Niehoff's vented points?). But if the current
from accessories like a radio is allowed to flow through them they can't cool and
overheat--they have to redressed with a point file (I've still got one) or
replaced. It is the continuous high flow of current through the points that
overheats them.
Bob Hall