<VV> The accident.

chris czepyha thegeek2@juno.com
Mon, 20 Sep 2004 09:41:07 -0400

Thank you for all the well wishers.

I am physically ok  For the grace of god I escaped without a scratch. 
Nobody was injured.  I will be seeing a talking doctor soon.

I was testing out the Orange vair, seeing if the electrical system was
the problem.  Down the highway fine, up it started to rattle in the

Thought it felt like ball jointish.  Or like a bad axe I had in a caravan

Checked the tires, looked under it didn't see anything wrong.  

Last time the wheels were off it was at the beginning of the season, when
I checked the brakes.

Still wobbling, so I am in the breakdown lane going 5mph.  Looking for
the safest place to pull completely off the highway.  The area has steep
inclined sides.  Didn't want to have a slow speed rollover.  But before
the exit it flattens out.

The tire came off and to a rest 1 foot outside the brake down lane.  I
got out of the car, stepped toward the tire, then thought my car was
moving, and dove back into the car, to turn it off.
Get out of the car and start to walk back to the tire.  Get 1 maybe two
steps toward it and I hear the screech, the little dodge lancerish
vehicle was struck by a big SUV.  The trunk was pushed into its back
seat, spun 180, and came to a rest 3 car lengths ahead and in the brake
down lane.  I couldn't even look their way, only to see its a little
white vehicle, mid 80's, with two very old looking people in it.  I so
desperately want to do something for them. 

If I had tried to retrieve the tire, I would be dead.  My wife husband
less, 1 kid never knowing its father, 1 loosing him in the first grade.

How the ____ the tire came loose, its been 4 months since the tire was
off.  At least 20 cruises.

I feel like a grossly incompetent moron.

3 cars will go, 1 will stay, just so I can beat this mental thing.

My daily drivers are all scheduled for safety checks.  RI only requires
them every 2 years, none are due, but that not the point.

I got the orange car off the highway, and too my secondary garage. 
1 lug is broken off,  the lower area behind the wheel, below the body
fold is pushed in an extra couple inches, and that the only apparent
damage.  I will check it out more thoroughly later.

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