<VV> Clunk
Roger Gault
Sun, 19 Sep 2004 16:48:52 -0500
Yesterday, after the '65 Convert. sat in the driveway for maybe 6 hours, I
tried to start it to put it in. The starter turned a little (maybe 1/2 sec.)
and then there was this disturbing CHER-CLUNK and it stopped abruptly. After
that, the starter would make Bendix engaging noises, but would not turn the
engine. So, I put it in reverse, let it roll down the driveway a little and
popped the clutch. Chirp. Hmmm. Looks bad - engine no turn.
Then, I went back and tried to turn it with the belt. That's when I found out
my HB had failed, since I could turn the belt but the the crank wasn't
turning. (separate problem, no doubt.)
Got a couple of neighbors to help me push it up my rather steep driveway.
Couldn't make it up the last steeper part to the garage. $*%@! Tried pushing
it with spare Oldsmobile, but couldn't figure out how to keep the bumpers
mated through the grade change into the garage. Decided to rent a come-along
and drag it in. What the heck, give the starter another try. Started fine,
running rich like it always does on the choke. Mmmmmm.
Today, I pulled the starter - looks fine. Checked the flywheel teeth while
wife turned engine - tired, but nothing drastic looking. Put it back together
(with another HB) and it starts fine.
So, my theory is that with the rear of the car about 12-18 inches lower than
the front, and the recently rebuilt carbs maybe not sealing at the float
needles, it filled a cylinder with gas and hydraulic locked on me and then
drained past the rings while I was screwing around with it.
Opinions appreciated.
Roger Gault