<VV> Train Hits Vintage Porsches-Link to Pics(No Corvair)
Tony Underwood
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 14:06:45 -0700
At 10:50 hours 09/14/2004 -0400, Sadek Charles H DLVA wrote:
> You might find this interesting. Link at bottom to pictures.
>Chuck S BBRT
>VENTURA, Calif. (AP) - A car-carrier loaded with vintage Porsches was struck
>by a freight train Sunday after becoming stranded on railroad tracks,
>officials said.
>The vintage Porsches "are close to totaled, if not totaled," Wilson said.
>"The train center-punched the trailer carrying the cars and split the
>trailer in half, and the cars went flying," he said.
Prices for existing 356's just went up...
There will be some deals on Speedster parts on Ebay in the next month or
tony.. no 356, just a dry and dusty 912 hersheybar with no engine