<VV> RE: Newbe Rampside seatbelt question
Keith Hammett
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 11:06:29 -0500
You might send her to the Corvanatics group. They will have the answer to
this question for her.
Keith Hammett
-----Original Message-----
I got this e-mail this weekend and do not have a
turn-key answer for her. Can you help?
Rusty Rose
-----Faith wrote-----
I am a new Corvair owner!
I am excited.
I have a 1961 95 ramp side pickup.
I have children and my husband will not let me drive
it until I find seatbelts. Do you have any idea where
or how I can find out what kind of belts that I can
use for this car.
I am wanting to do the shoulder strap. The problem
seems to be that the female part of the belts that I
am finding are not long enough to go all the way back
down in the back.
Could you please steer me in the right direction?
Faith Schexnayder