<VV> Suffering and lack of preplanning
Sun, 12 Sep 2004 16:32:13 -0400
Some of the big supermarkets here in N C have generators..diesel powered. I
live on the coast of North Carolina, Newport. I work on the, approximately
136, generators at Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station. I have a
generator at home. I also have a large battery ( on trickle charge )hooked
to an inverter with a receptacle in the living room for the tv. I've
experienced power outages with complete loss of food in the refrigerator and
freezer. Throwing out half a cow's worth of meat is hard. The cost of that
was more than a 4000 watt generator. Glad to see that your damage is
minimal. Hang in there and pray for Ivan to fizzle out. Walter (
all vairs on jacks and Ultra Van awaiting restoration )