<VV> Registering an old car from New York in California
Bill Elliott
Bill Elliott" <Corvair@fnader.com
Wed, 08 Sep 2004 07:22:27 -0400
> Just have a friend write one from them to Ron amd be done with it.Works for
As many of you know, I have a Tatra that was imported from Germany by a young woman who grew
up in communist East Belin and was first registered in California. Now CA isn't the easiest place to
register a car.... esepcially something as strange as a freshly-imported Tatra.
So I asked her how she did it. She seemed surprised by my question and said that it was no trouble
at all.... that she took all her paperwork to the DMV and asked for license plates and they gave her a
list of all the paperwork she was missing. She asked for samples and explanations of what it should
look like, went home, produced the documents on her computer, brought them back the next day,
and registered the car with no issues... having given them exactly what they asked for. She indicated
this was pretty much how all business was conducted as she grew up!!! VBG
Bill Elliott
Urbana, MD