<VV> License plates

Alan and Clare Wesson alan.wesson@atlas.co.uk
Wed, 8 Sep 2004 05:57:18 +0100

Stephen Upham wrote:

> I'm looking to put original '65 Texas plates on my Monza as its time left 
> in group red nears the end.  Is there anyone out there with good 
> ideas/sources for Texas plates (original or copies of the originals)

I suppose Hershey is a bit far from Dallas (mind you, it's even further from 
Devon!), but there are always vendors there with hundreds and hundreds of 
them, and you'd only have to wait three weeks. I'll be there (YESSSSSS!).

There is also a big flea market at Indy in the next couple of weeks, I have 
been told - have never been, because I can't stop long enough nowadays (have 
to take kids to school every day now, so my absence is problematic and 
'dumps' on my wife!). However, one year I came close to going (drove past 
the day after it had finished, because I didn't know until too late!), and 
everyone says it's a biggie.

