<VV> Registering an old car from New York in California

Hank Kaczmarek kaczmarek@charter.net
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 23:51:01 -0400

Just another of those 10,000 reasons NOT to live in California.

Can't help but see the irony. The state that just about invented hot rods,
the best possible climate in most of the state to preserve autos,  And the
most pin headed, destructive to the hobby laws in the US.

GM engineers will tell you that across the board, so many cars on the road
in the US run virtually fossil "Clean", leaving only the CO2 and  heat
generated to potentially harm the environment.  If this is the case, how can
the much smaller numbers of collector cars present the great menace(and DMV
paperwork creator)
California laws purport them to be.

Depending on your level of tolreance to DMV crap, perhaps contacting a title
company like Broadway Title service would be worth the dough. They research
your vin and provide you with a "Clean" Alabama or Tennesee title, which you
can then present to the persons enforcing the moronic laws at the DMV. And
take her from there.

