<VV> David E. Davis Video from Lexington
Sun, 5 Sep 2004 15:12:15 EDT
David E. Davis Video from Lexington
At this years Lexington convention, David E. Davis, Editor Emeritus of
Automobile Magazine, former Car & Driver Editor (and former Corvair copy
for Chevrolet print ads) spoke at a btechb session. The session was short
on b
techb but long on stories about the Corvair and the people who provided
the life blood and the pain and suffering for the car during its production
days - and since. An alert member video-taped the talk, and the
question/answer period that followed. It isn't perfect, but it's okay, great
for club
meetings. He asked me to make copies available to people who might not have
able to attend. I have transferred the session to DVD and now have copies
available. If you want a copy, just drop me a check for $11 b Thatbs $10
for the
DVD and a dollar for first class mail postage. (Thatbs in the US, if your
postage is more, just calculate it and add it on.) Please note b The DVDs
produced on a computer as a DVD-R and may not be playable on some older
players, but anything made since about 2001 should be fine. Questions?
E-mail me
at Sethracer@aol.com
Seth Emerson
3462 Kirkwood Dr.
San Jose, CA 95117-1549